Source code for flood_forecast.preprocessing.preprocess_da_rnn

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from typing import List
from flood_forecast.da_rnn.custom_types import TrainData

[docs]def format_data(dat, targ_column: List[str]) -> TrainData: # Test numpy conversion proc_dat = dat.to_numpy() mask = np.ones(proc_dat.shape[1], dtype=bool) dat_cols = list(dat.columns) for col_name in targ_column: mask[dat_cols.index(col_name)] = False feats = proc_dat[:, mask].astype(float) targs = proc_dat[:, ~mask].astype(float) return TrainData(feats, targs)
[docs]def make_data( csv_path: str, target_col: List[str], test_length: int, relevant_cols=[ "cfs", "temp", "precip"]) -> TrainData: """ Returns full preprocessed data. Does not split train/test that must be done later. """ final_df = pd.read_csv(csv_path) print(final_df.shape[0]) if len(target_col) > 1: # Restrict target columns to height and cfs. Alternatively could replace this with loop height_df = final_df[[target_col[0], target_col[1], 'precip', 'temp']] height_df.columns = [target_col[0], target_col[1], 'precip', 'temp'] else: height_df = final_df[[target_col[0]] + relevant_cols] preprocessed_data2 = format_data(height_df, target_col) return preprocessed_data2